A special moment during our 15th Anniversary service was a video high-five, and I'd like you to see it today. These are kind shout-outs from local pastors, officials, mission partners near and far, and a well-known LFC alumni who lights it up in the NBA highlighting our long-term partnership with Davidson students. I only wish we had time to include every mission partner and detail every work of mercy, compassion, justice advocacy, and care that our Ministry Partners have done in love over our history.
Why did we include this video? To highlight a priority of ours - to seek to foster and live in supportive unity with local churches, and to do mission primarily under the leadership of already-anointed leaders (near and far).
That's why, for instance, next January we are hosting an equipping conference for volunteer leaders in all N. Charlotte churches with Bob Goff as the speaker, and why we are partnering with The Cove (Mooresville) and North Coast Church (with Larry Osborne in San Diego) to bring North Coast's 'Sticky Teams' ministry conference to the East Coast next May for the first time (where there will be speakers like Larry, Perry Noble and Greg Surratt). Its why we rotated hosting the seminary-level course on Biblical theology with Grace Covenant and The Park Church for two years.
We LOVE to equip God's people (like Steph) with the Word of God weekly, and we love to equip ministry leaders at our church and other churches with both practical and biblical skills, even as we ourselves are being trained. Why do we make these efforts at unity, instead of critiquing and maintaining separation from churches who practice and believe differently than we do in the details of ministry?
Ephesians 4:3-6 "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Enjoy the video