Who do you know whom this could benefit?
I'm excited to announce a new level of partnership between the Lake Forest Church Planter Training Center & Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary-Charlotte. We will be offering our "Church Planting & Mission in a Post Christian Context" class this year as a one week summer intensive June 10-14, on site at Lake Forest Church - Huntersville. Free housing will be provided to most students needing it. In addition to seminary students, for a modest fee the course is open to anyone interested in church planting (pre or post seminary folks, potential church planters trying to discern their future, precocious late college students, early-in-the-process church planters).
We do NOT teach a 'one method/model of church plant fits all' approach in any way. And when I say 'we,' Rev. Aron Gibson will be an instructor with me in the course - he led a large young adult ministry in Los Angeles for over a decade, and successfully planted Lake Forest Church-WestLake over the past few years.
Mornings will be spent in the classroom learning biblical/theological/historical rationale and principles of church planting, how to think and contextualize like a missionary, current fruitful models of church planting nationally and internationally, how to exegete your neighborhood, practical process and leadership in a church plant, pre-assessment of aptitude for church planting, and more.
Afternoons (and some evenings) will be spent in the field. We'll be out visiting with and learning from active church planters in the region in a variety of missional contexts. We will witness and glean wisdom from some fresh Holy Spirit experiments of the Body of Christ as they are in early formation.
When I say 'The Church Planter Training Center at Lake Forest Church,' we have planted one church every 2-3 years for a while now, coaching those pastors through the process, we currently have two Church Planting Residents in training (and two former LFC CP Residents are launching churches in other cities in 2019), we are training up and launching out a Spanish speaking congregation in 2019, while choosing the location of our next church plant and church planter by the end of the year. God has called us as a church to invest ourselves heavily in the multiplication of Christ-centered, on-mission churches for the next generation. It is part of our joy at LFC.
To register or inquire further - GCTS students will pursue normal registration, all others email [email protected] .